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Wednesday 28 March 2012

Hitting the slopes!

Hello everyone!
I went skiing over the weekend with my uncle and his kids and I thought I'd share some pictures that I took!
For anyone familiar with the area we were at Nikiska in Kananaskis! (for all the reckies, it was right by the Tim Horton's Ranch, which looked fantastic!)

 Haven't skiied in 3 years, but I skiied like a pro ;)

amazing! The view was absolutely fantastic and the weather was great! It was such a great day and it made me remember why I loved the mountains so much!


Friday 23 March 2012

Week One!

Hello again everyone!
I am at the end of my first week and it has been great so far! Everyone at the office is awesome and I have been able to sit and chat with everyone to learn more about their job and what they do! It is interesting that with my background and the Rec & Leisure course I would have the knowledge to fall into several of the positions! They all kind of blend together, which does seem to happen in the world of non profits. I am going to be mainly working with the event coordinator on a few events that she has going. The first week has been pretty slow, but busyness ahead!
I have learned a lot about the wishes they have granted and my favourite one is granting a little girl the wish to meet a princess.. She was able to meet William and Kate when they toured Canada, and it is so special! You can read the story here!
While you are all in Ontario enjoying the sun and getting a nice tan, I'm pretty chilly out here. We had snow yesterday! Which then promptly melted in the afternoon when it got warmer! Typical Alberta weather!

I spent the last few days trying to figure out the bus, with a few bumps I think I finally got it!
I am hopefully going skiing on the weekend with my relatives so hopefully I'll get some pictures from that!
I'll leave with a picture of the Calgary tower/skyline :)


Monday 19 March 2012

and so it begins..

Hello from Calgary everyone!

I arrived safely on Saturday morning, before all the craziness and cancellations going on with Air Canada!
My flight was slightly delayed due to a large amount of fog in the Hamilton early but we made up the time and I landed in Calgary only15 minutes late.
I got to find my new house, meet who I am living with (who are super nice!), get some groceries and reunite with old friends who I haven't seen since I was probably 12! We spent the afternoon/evening shopping (good start to any trip ;) ) and going to the cutest place for coffee in the evening!
Sunday I went to the church I used to go to out here and see my old elementary school!

The favorite so far has been seeing the mountains way out there in the distance all the time, so beautiful :)
plans for trips to Banff, snowshoeing and skiing are already being made!

Tomorrow my placement begins and I can't wait to meet everyone I will be working with and get started! Wish me luck as I attempt to navigate the Calgary transit system! *fingers crossed*

I will continue to keep you updated (hopefully with pictures soon)! Miss you all!


Sunday 11 March 2012

Alberta Bound!

Welcome back to my blog everyone!

I am starting back up again, not because I have to this time, but because I am about to go off on an amazing 7 week placement adventure and want to keep everyone up to date!

In 6 short days I am going to Calgary to do my final placement in my Recreation & Leisure Services program with the Children's Wish Foundation. During my time there I will be helping them mainly with running/planning their publicity, sponsorship, and fundraising events, and probably a lot more surprises as well!

I feel so blessed to have found a placement in such a well known and amazing organization as they are and I can't wait to see more of the work they do!

If you didn't know this about me already, I lived in Calgary for almost 8 years of my life, and am so SO excited to return! I am really excited to see the city, the friends and relatives, and the mountains again!

Who wouldn't want to see this!

I'll keep you all updated with blogs and photos as my time progresses there!
